Rome was not ridden in a day


Friday, October 10, 2008

Check it out

The new member of my links "Wheels Through Time".

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I took time. BBBQ 2008

I just thought that was a good title. I took time, absolutely ridiculous isn't it, how can I take time? We've all heard that used before. I took time, I finally found time, I used up a lot of time, I don't have the time but I'll see if I can find someone that doe's, great time, it's about time, they say that in time...I could go on, but I wouldn't want to make myself sound anymore off center than I already have. Of course, when you really think about it... off center, I mean...what is off center...what is around the center. You know what, I feel like I'm leading myself to the place that many have been led to in the past. I think it's that ying yang thing. A conversation about time, space and oh man, that sounds like the Twilight Zone. I better stop right here.

In all seriousness though, I took the time through much trial and error to become slightly acquainted with Windows Media Movie Maker. I started out by just pasting some videos together and now I have finally succeeded in making my first with videos, pictures and music. Hopefully I won't get into trouble with some type of copyright law. If I'm not mistaken though, I can definitely use parts of copyrighted songs and then some songs are not copyrighted. Then of course I have found information that says I can attach copyrighted songs to any home video I want. I honestly don't know for sure, but a lot of people do it.

I'm probably wrong and I'll probably become one of the one out of 100 Americans stuffed into prison with all the people killers, dog fighters, tax evaders, smokers of Gods plants, Mother and Father rapers, video and music down loaders, sports memorabilia thiefs and of course the most dreaded of all...the trash dumpers. For some reason I don't think anyone like me would ever get the chance to spend time in prison with one of those people that got the 700 Billion Dollar bailout.

I really did make a video though, its my first like this and I didn't have much time :), so here is what I did.

Monday, October 6, 2008

BBBQ 2008 Sunday

Saturday night went on into the morning. We all went to sleep around 3 am and were up at around 630am, roughly 3 hours sleep. We had the continental breakfast and then loaded up. This is a video of what it looked like at the motel later in the morning.

Rubber burning scars on the pavement.
As in years past, all good things must come to an end. We loaded up for the ride home. Cathy showed up to ride back with us. I think she had a good time at her first BBBQ.

For the ride back, we took Hwy 45 out of town to Hwy 412 then made a right on Hwy 21 to Kingston, Ar. From there we went on up the mountain to Hwy 43 and made a left towards Ponca, Ar where we turned right onto Hwy 74 crossing the Buffalo River. Hwy 74 took us into Jasper where we had lunch.

Ozark Cafe, Jasper, Ar.
We had some good home style cooking here and as usual it was superb. Menu or Buffet , its all good.

A great end to another great BBBQ.

BBBQ 2008 Saturday Evening

After my ride out West on Saturday, I arrived at the motel just a few minutes before the rest of the group. We sat around awhile and decided on a plan for the evening. I had run into Burnie (I'm not sure if I'm spelling your name right Burnie)in the motel lobby and talked with him for a few minutes. Burnie said he would like to go out and eat dinner with us.

We ended up at East Buffet on College Ave. Its a good Chinese Buffet. I've eaten there most of the times I've went to BBBQ. After dinner Burnie, Zach and I decided to go to Dickson Street. Coondog and Hammer went exploring elsewhere while Major visited with his girlfriend who lives in Fayetteville.

Burnie got separated from Zach and I and we ended up sitting on the rock wall on the uphill Eastern section of Dickson St. in front of the building where the Christian groups give out free water. We watched people and motorcycles while getting probably irreparable hearing damage. Its a good spot to sit, I only wish I could remember to bring my ear plugs, it doe's get very loud. As you can see by the video below.

We got a call from Burnie and went to meet him in a bar area overlooking the strip.
What are the chances of meeting someone on Dickson St. that you know, especially on a Saturday night? Not good I know but as we were looking for Burnie, I saw CP again, I guess CP just kind of stands out in a crowd.

There were police everywhere. Back in 2002 the police presence was negligible, now it seems their on every corner. CP later told me he stayed on Dickson St. until about 3am and the police were picking up drunks and stopping gang trouble (not motorcycle gangs, just regular street thugs).
Zach took these pics to show how crowded it was on Dickson Street Saturday night.

After shooting the bull for awhile we split up again and headed back to the motel. This was supposed to be the big night of burnouts but the motel owner had put the fear of eviction into everyone and there wasn't as many as in years past. There were enough to make it interesting though. Here's a video of some of the action.

I like the look on Coondog's face, he's like, "what was that?".

BBBQ 2008 Saturday Afternoon Part 2

After I split up with the group at PTHD, they went on to the Tyson Track Center in Fayetteville. Zach said there were a lot of vendors there, including some big names. Here's some bike pics that he took while there.

Do I see a V-8 on that? Or is it just for looks?