In my last post I went to Jerusalem, and I did it by taking back roads when I could, there and back. I'll give you a run down on how I did it even if it doesnt make sense. First of all, all the roads were good paved roads. Even with that being the case there are some safety concerns to consider.
1. Watch out for loose gravel and washouts on these roads.
2. Watch out for people who are pulling out and are not used to seeing traffic.
3. Animals, all kinds, they are a menace, the dogs, guineas, cows, goats, deer. I've had my meetings with all of them.
4. Trees and limbs.
5. Curves that just suddenly appear after topping a hill.
6. Most of all though, watch out for the country driver that does'nt understand why he can't drive on the left side of the road, and of course there are those that are too drunk to know which side is right. These people are everywhere. Thats why on backroads especially, I always top a hill next to the right side and I hug the right side on blind curves. I'm tellin ya these people are a menace and they come in all ages.
Thats just a few of the things I watch out for on backroads. Now, I won't get too detailed about my ride, I'll leave out alot or it will be too confusing. If you would like for me to show you exactly how I did it, we'll just have to go for a ride :).
This is it in a nutshell.
I live on Crow mtn. so I took those country roads to Atkins, I made a left North on 105 there and proceeded on to St. Joe Rd where I made a right (St. Joe is just past the Hwy 326 intersection). I followed it until I made a left on Buttermilk Rd. I ended up at Hwy 124, I went to Appleton, Jerusalem and the Point Remove Bridge across Hwy 124. From the bridge I made a big circle on 124, 247/213 and 213 back to 124 back to Jerusalem. At Appleton again I took a right on Pine Street (just a country road) and followed it to Hector. At Hector I turned right, then left at the Store. I took Elm St. to Gunter Mtn. Rd. which took me all the way to Hwy 164, I made a left and after crossing the old wooden bridge, I arrived at Scottsville where I made a right on Hwy 27 South. A few miles down the road I made a left on Buck Mtn Road and followed it all the way to Hwy 124 where I made a right then a left on Crow Mtn Rd to Home.
All together the ride was right at 100 miles. The scenary was fantastic, I did'nt have to be concerned with semis or tailgaters. A great ride. Heres some pics.
An old bridge on Buttelmilk Road.
Point Remove Bridge on Hwy 124 South of Jerusalem.
Notice the graffiti on the pylon, could it have been the Outlaws MC?
Cindy at the Point Remove Hunting Club East of Hattieville. This was unexpected, I guess it looks new. I don't know what they hunt here but it has a really nice entrance. This is the Walnut Grove Cemetary, on Walnut Grove Rd just off of Pine St. I had to go there and search for remnants of that little house on the prairie but I had no luck. It was a big Cemetary though.
Wonder why they called it Walnut Grove?
Thats it for today, I realize these pictures were'nt all that great, I'll try harder next ride.