I went to Mackays Cycle and Marine Thursday and Don, one of Pat's mechanics installed my new rear tire. I always buy the Bridgestone Excedra for Cindy. The Bridgestones get at least a third more mileage than other tires I've tried (Dunlop and Perelli).
If I ever buy a much needed motorcycle stand I'll just drop off the wheel, taking it off the bike myself and saving $15.00. I know its not that money but it is money and its not difficult to remove a wheel with the stand. Also when I get the stand, it'll much easier for me to change the oil. One of these days soon I'll modernize but until then Mackays does a fine job for $40. for the rear and $30. for the front tire change.
The old tire, it was time to change, don't you think so? I've went longer, but why take chances?
The new, much better looking tire. I had right at 15000 miles on my old one. Thats some good mileage for me.
Cindy sitting and waiting for her turn (this pic is way out of focus :().