Rome was not ridden in a day


Friday, September 18, 2009

A new camera and reading glasses.

I finally bought a new camera. I opted for the small easily transportable Sony which is not even as big as a pack of cigarettes. It has 12.1 mp, which is awesome. It takes really good videos also.
It has a rechargable lithium battery which I hope will last a long time between charges. Until I figure out how long the battery lasts I'll take along my old camera as a backup. Which brings me to the reading glasses part of this post. Remember the ghosts I had on all the pics, which is the reason I bought the new camera? The other day my father in law was at the house, I was showing him my new camera. I told him about the old camera having the ghosts problem. He pulled out his reading classes, looked at the Pentax and told me that the smudge was on the outside of the lense. I borrowed his glasses and the rest is history. I used cleaning solution and the smudge came off fairly easy. So there you have it, stupid is as stupid does.


jhkj said...

Now wait a minute... Isn't that what I told you???

David said...

Like I said. sheesh, an expensive smudge.