Rome was not ridden in a day


Friday, September 28, 2007

Hwy 352 West

I continued on 352 past the land reclamation area and a large auto graveyard where 352 goes over Interstate 40. I followed 352 to the Junction with 219. I went up 219 doubled back and took the video I posted on 9/25. I then got on the Interstate and was homeward bound.

I found a few old houses, including a nice old log cabin or whats left of it.

Looks like this old house has the fireplace in the middle so it can heat both sides at once. I'll have to come back when the undergrowth has died out. Might get a better picture.

If I can make it to the top of a certain mountain this fall, I'm going to take some pictures of a fantastic old fireplace. Thats all thats left standing of what must have been a huge old house. Its in a forest area now but at one time there was a large community where it stands. It is huge, I would'nt want to guess on the size of the mantle piece, but its the biggest I've ever seen in an old house.
That will be coming up later this fall, when I may have to resort to pics taken from my cage travel. I guess that will be my section for people with onroad/offroad bikes. Thats something I wish I had, the possibilities would be endless.

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