The dedication plague in front of the gate shack. Ft. Chaffee was named after Maj. Gen. Adna R. Chaffee.
Old barracks, line after line of them.
The old hospital where I was born. Just a bunch of small buildings with walkways between them. Some of them covered and some open. It doesnt look very big in this picture, its actually a huge sprawling complex.
This is the area where my guard unit kept (Detained) the refugee's in the 80's while they were being held here in our state. But it all had razor wire all around the area surrounding them. Man has it changed alot since then for the worse.....
Ft. Chaffee, my dad was inducted into the Army there in 1945. He was drafted at age 18. GS Ky.
Yes it was a really big training camp at one time. My Dad was stationed there...I guess thats why I was born there. My Dad was also there as a U.S. Marshal during the Cuban thing.
I went to summer camp there a couple of times. I got the worst case of chiggers there, that I've ever had.
Its very nostalgic riding roaming that base, which I remember as a child and an adult and now its falling apart in places.
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